In the recent years cost efficiency is more and more the key variable for the leading companies. The strong competition brought in any market by modern economies has forced to pursue precise cost control. A very important function whose cost is a critical number in almost any profit and loss account is logistic. Logistic optimization brings to important savings as well as a good exploitation of synergies.
This is the financial background which made it so important for the leading producers to extend normal shelf life of perishable goods.
When the market started to need longer shelf life liquid egg, the practice learnt with milk could not be applied without serious problems:
• After 64°C egg parts start to coagulate which results into change of viscosity;
• The functional properties of industrial whole egg are seriously affected when overheating the product above 66°C.
Several new pasteurization ways and further treatments methods have been tested since 1950 with good results but always big compromises must be accepted.
There is a lot of confusion around this topic and the reason for this is that it really attracts the attention of the customers and that the perfect “columbus” egg still has not been invented.
Nevertheless Avitec approached the problem in a very unconventional way. The compromises which were inplicit in all the existing solutions did not satisfy us. Overheating egg causes protein denaturation, no matter for how short this exposure will be. Weakling the bacteria by using complex chemical process does not assure anymore a real natural product. High frequency waves again may cause damage to the proteins (if not perfectly balanced) and do require huge quantity of power to be applied.