Avitec engineers have among the longest experience in the market regarding construction of CIP units. After a good process, cleaning is the most important variable of the design. A well designed CIP systems not only assures that every day the plant is starting to produce exactly at the hygienic conditions of the previous day but also allows to optimize the power consumption, the water flow and the use of the chemicals so to minimize the environmental impact.
For optimal CIP units the law “the bigger the better” does not work. It is the experience of the designing company which makes the different. A too powerful cleaning pump for example can bring to an excess of flow in some points of the line which cause the formation of pools which stop the natural mechanic work and turbulence of the flowing stream.
Every Avitec LINO COMPACT plant is supplied with included CIP system for the whole pipeline.
Avitec will design specific CIP lines for semiautomatic or automatic cleaning of the breaker, of the tanks, of the filling machine, on the base of the specific needs of each single project.
Also, where the disposal of the chemical becomes a real problem, then CIP units with recovery of the cleaning solutions are the best option to solve many problems and reduce costs.